


One definition of 'horoscope' is that it is a delineation of particular celestial energies based on heavenly patterns.

The actual word 'horoscope' is derived from the Latin combination of two words in which 'Horo' means hour and 'Scope' means view, so it is a 'view of the hour.'

As astrologers we refer to the horoscope as the astrological chart of a person or a moment in time, which is calculated from the planetary positions in either the sidereal or tropical Zodiac. The calculations used are based on the date, place and time of birth. That's why a horoscope is so personal, like a fingerprint.

When an astrologer works with an accurately-timed chart, the energies carried within it are unique to that individual. Be aware that the chart energies of the planets and signs serve as the potential for personal expression within that individual.

The horoscope holds within it planets, signs, aspects, houses, and other points that reflect potential characteristics and patterns. It is our free will that allows us to work with these patterns or remold them to be expressed in other ways.

Many people think that the horoscope writes our destiny in stone. Not so! It shows potentials...how we use those potentials is our personal prerogative. What the horoscope can offer is insight and awareness about these potentials and their uses.

Horoscope reading  can  benefit you in many forms including (but not limited to)  health,  relationships,  money,  education,  career, property and  travelling  etc.  There are examples of many  people who  found  guidance   through  their  horoscope  very  helpful  on occasions where they had to face challenging decisions.


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